Questions XLII

Do acorns have the sense to know
the way to best become an oak?

Do horses know how infinity
can be traveled or reversed again?

Do the butterfly mourn
a stranded jellyfish in dusk?

Did the color Prussian Blue speak
of evenings by the river Seine?

Copyright Björn Rudberg

Today I host dVerse Poetics and the prompt is to write poetry consisting only of questions. You can pose any question(s) you like as long as you don’t give us the answer.

32 responses to “Questions XLII

  1. This is stunning. I especially like the second one. I think they’re smart enough not to care. Likewise, butterflies don’t waste their tiny lives in mourning. They move on, keep landing, keep flitting about and finding themselves in, not where they’ve been, but in where they are and where they’re going.

    I love Prussian Blue (as a color descriptor).

    Your title reminded me of Magic Mike XXL. 🙂

      • Oh, I know. (Only because I do them with my kids; otherwise I wouldn’t have remembered L.)

        I didn’t know what you were getting at, though. I was just thinking about how I’m almost 40, which is almost 42. That’s probably a time when our answers start changing. We think differently about everything as we age, and as our children age. Our perspectives change.

  2. A meaningful prompt for sure, brother. Your use of non-sequiturs was cool–I almost emulated your form–but alas, even levity was sparse as I crafted my inquiries.

  3. Pingback: Are you the moon? | Björn Rudbergs writings·

  4. I think the colour Prussian blue did contemplate evenings by the Seine. After all if the answer is 42 it would make perfect sense. Apparently, in medicine, it is an antidote to heavy metal poisoning…not from the Scorpions but radioactive isotopes.

  5. I love this one, especially:
    “Do the butterfly mourn
    a stranded jellyfish in dusk?”

    I can feel their momentary mournful flutter (which for us, would represent years, perhaps).

  6. I am amazed by your, I think, existential questions. Maybe I am wrong, but there is a strain of a world so interconnected running through them. Bt the way, I corrected my post by removing the answers.:-)

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