The candlelight of those that left – for Friday Fictioneers

In the candlelight I see the souls that left
crushed in water-grinder of the tsunami
carried off into a merciless horizon

In the candlelight i hear your gentle voice
I feel the warmth of sand between my toes
and in the whiffle from the sea I still recall

the candlelight that kissed a golden hue
on that smile you left before the wave
the tsunami that carried you to sea

the candlelight of velvet nights that said,
forever-after happy – when you said: YES
before the water separation of our paths

as candlelight reflects the salty tears you left.

Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy

Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy

Note. Of course the woodblock by Kanagawa immediately brought back his even more famous Tsunami wave. Soon it’s ten years ago since the tsunami devastated large parts of south-east Asia. I had no real close connections that were lost, but I still remember all the sad stories, and I also know people that survived but had to leave part of their families behind. I’m travelling a lot this week, currently I’m in California on business, but will leave tonight.. and on Friday I will visit my family in Sweden. I will try to read as many entries as possible, but it might not be easy.

Go to the purpleness of Rochelle’s page to learn more about Friday Fictioneers.

June 4, 2014

47 responses to “The candlelight of those that left – for Friday Fictioneers

  1. ugh. can you imagine…all you know washed away in an instant like that….all the more all the people gone so fast….heart wrending to think on…

  2. Bjorn, Lovely memorial to the victims of that horrendous tsunami. It came inland on the eastern coast of India and we heard a lot about it. But, fortunately, we’re about 300 km inland from Mumbai on the western coast. Well written. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my story and comment. Have a safe trip back home. 🙂 —Susan

  3. A heart wrenching story, beautifully told. Your poetry is brilliant, Bjorn. And it is a lovely tribute to those who were lost, or whose families and friends were lost.

  4. Very power-packed Bjorn. I began a memoir, “The Wave”, about the tsunami in SE Asia and just couldn’t finish it. The writer was the sole survivor of her family–her husband and two boys taken from her. I read a lot of sad stuff and did get through the event itself but the aftermath, how it affected her, was so harrowing. Maybe someday. It’s still on my Kindle.

  5. Good inspirational take on the prompt, Bjorn. I like the combination of everything in the shot to make it into a story. Great one!

  6. Dear Bjorn, I will never forget watching the tsunami on TV and how it just moved across the Japanese landscape and how horrific it was. Wow – you did a good job with verse! Thanks – be careful in the midwest, we’re having storms! Nan 🙂

  7. Dear Bjorn,

    Have you seen the movie, The Impossible? Your poem reminded me of it and of the lost souls flickering in the night. Well done.



  8. One of your more lovely poems, darling. Say hello to California for me.

  9. Beautiful and well constructed, Bjorn. Carrying the candlelight from beginning to end – mutes the glare.
    Safe and happy travels,

  10. Both tender and ;powerful at the same time. It takes a huge event and makes it very personal, as it was for those most impacted. The candlelight throughout is beautiful and a reminder that death does not extinguish every flame.

  11. A poetic reminder, a wonderful memorial! Have fun with family in Sweden!
    Greetings from Greece!
    Maria (MM Jaye)

  12. This is so well-done, Bjorn — so moving. I like the way you take the reader from the over-all, large-scale loss to the individual, single-soul suffering.

  13. Beautifully done Björn. Our friends were lucky as someone managed to hold on to their son as he was being swept away and stopped him from becoming another victim.

  14. I like how you wrote this in verse. I think you were able to catch this person’s sense of loss and suffering beautifully. Life can be unexpectedly tragic sometimes, and unfair.

  15. always love the way your words just flow so beautifully even though this is a sad moment in history. very honorable piece.

  16. Interesting, Hokusai’s work brings so many emotions to the surface, for me he brings Mount fuji first, but that was the first pieces of this art i knew.
    Fine lines. Enormously moving.

  17. Where I live now, this hits hard and close to home. The ‘refugee’ village to the north is still far too populated, the animal shelters are overrun, and the hearts of those displaced still ache and brake brittle.

    From Fukushima to Indonesia, the pain is eerily similar. Well done.

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