Curing the sickness in men

Why is the sexual arousal of gunshots and ammo in men
not considered the sickness it is, but the morally right,
protected by your constitutional laws?

Why should their spewing of lead
be anything else than deviant sex?

Why should you pray when it’s better to act?

Sculpture by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd

Another shooting, more questions, focusing on the end line for Kerry at toads.

November 8, 2018

22 responses to “Curing the sickness in men

  1. Pingback: Curing the sickness in men — Björn Rudbergs writings – TheFeatheredSleep·

  2. I do not know about Sweden but America is steeped in gun history beginning with our breaking from England and our Independence. The history of guns in the West of our country stands out. I did not know that Sweden protected the constitutionality of bearing arms. Apparently the shooter in this case was a combat veteran. We need to something about this plague of shootings. I blame the current admin for the anger in this country and hate. Yes act, but prayer never hurts.

    • We have no protection to bear arms, and we have quite a lot of legal guns if you have a need for hunting… but you need training to get a license, and the guns have to be under lock and key… and if not you can be made part responsible for what your gun does… we do have a lot of guns, but thankfully very few mass shootings and not so many suicides by gun either.

      • I was curious. I wish there was some kind of requirement such as you all have to be licensed to carry a gun in the US. People have their guns, often, in a gun locker here but such systems are easily circumvented. We keep our rifle and revolver under lock. We also took training before we purchased our guns. Some people do this, others do not. It is sad when evil people use guns to kill people.

  3. “Why should their spewing of lead
    be anything else than deviant sex?”

    Because I’m concerned for the hearts, and minds, underneath — the reasons behind the deviance and violence.

    The psychologist in me wants to rewind time and help the little boys (and girls), the shooters, by giving them water squirters and balloons to play with instead — to understand the reasons why and circumvent — in a perfect world. What could have been different, to help us all?

  4. Why should you pray when it’s better to act?

    – because it’s easier to “blame” and say “prayers often go unanswered” anyhow … and action is too much damn hard work; and of course, there is the huge schism anyhow … between “re|acting” and chosing “action-ary” response ….

    as long as we live, breathe and die by the ideology of “rights” (especially to bear arms” — someone should rewrite it to read “BARE” arms – ) then we have long forgotten that nothing here is an actual “right” — we are nothing more than stewards – and so be, with humility in our spirits.

    Your poem is incredibly brief, concise and so well executed Bjorn, that I don’t have anything to say except – wow. I’m always amazed when you ask the toughest questions in your poems and challenge it all, not only the “status quo” —
    and I will add – I know this has a more personal feeling for you, since you’ve noted, you lived in the area, right where it happened, once upon a time – and so, in some ways, this brings it right “home” into your own backyard; and I’m sorry for the feelings this has stirred in you – but it has resulted a Brilliant poem (with a “killer” last line — absolutely no pun intended).

  5. Such powerful questions, Bjorn, with no clear answer and no societal impact per se, because we are so habitual to this violence (mass shootings being only a single aspect of it, it takes form in many other ways) resulting from a toxic sense of entitlement and as you term it, a sickness and sexual deviancy.
    Very well penned!

  6. I sometimes wonder when the lust for ammunition in men will stop and cease to exist before there is nothing left to save in the world .. 😳

  7. The mother who said “no more prayers…” (her son had been in a previous gun massacre but killed in this one) but she wanted action and gun control… really got to me. Your poem has the same passion – I see you lived close to a violent gun shooting – your poem reads as if you did.

  8. It is frustrating to be a US citizen that has antique rifles and a shotgun. Would be willing to crush them into a statue if it would help the situation of folks having a hard on for guns.

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