My false mirror

Behind my blind spots lurking, hidden parts
of self, the secrets hidden, and shameful
are those tiny lies discolouring my heart.
My blue-sky smile is all in vain, a painful
bursting scab — a scar I have to pick.
Your probing dagger-gaze, relentless pain
of slicing smiles, untruths that turn me sick,
But skies still clear, I cannot cry, no rain
no tears to disinfect my aching wounds.
no mirror true to see beyond the thin
veneer my false façade I’ve set to paint
a better me, a man despising sins,
I have to understand — I’m no saint.
Accepting darkness is to comprehend
and compensate with light to make amends.

The false mirror
Rene Magritte

Today Grace hosts dVerse OLN where there is also an optional mini-prompt to be inspired by the painting by Rene Magritte.

April 25, 2024

38 responses to “My false mirror

  1. Beautiful sonnet, specially the ending couplet. I admire the acceptance of faults, even to admitting one is not a saint. And balancing this with striving to make amends.

  2. Great work, Bjorn. I posted a rhymer today, too, that i didn’t realize when I wrote it (almost 50 years ago) that, given the right line breaks it not only had some cool rhymes but was structurally (syllabically) formal as well.

    Thanks for sharing your gem.

  3. Bjorn that’s an excellent and insightful bit of honest writing. 

    Like the saying, “God will never give you more than you are able to bear,” which kept me going more than a few times, perhaps that false mirror hides what’s behind it as a measure of self-protection. Perhaps if we saw what is really there, we’d wouldn’t have the strength to recover from it.

  4. Who doesn’t feel false engaging in the fictions and subversions and untruths of human interaction? As your fine final couplet suggests, we become true with truths. That’s the amends both to ourselves and the world.

  5. A very existential sonnet Björn, who are we behind the façade that others see… Thank goodness for self-acceptance!

  6. Good to look deeper. If matter is 99% empty space maybe we are floating clouds. Here and gone.

  7. Wow! Powerful, Bjorn. I so loved these lines,

    “I have to understand — I’m no saint.
    Accepting darkness is to comprehend
    and compensate with light to make amends.”

    And I liked your use of rhymes too. 🙂

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