
This poem is an ink-
dance, it’s my trance,
a riddle-maker’s tune
for buds-a-bursts
and barefoot-walks.

A poem for the sake
of sun-glassed stance
for red-eyed-dawns and
dusk of cotton-candy-skies

This poem’s robin-voiced
a dance of cranes
and mouse-eared-leafs
It’s my daffodilly garden
and a craze-eyed crow,
a nesting duck.

This poem is a crave for moss
for sapling-growth
and even if it snows some-
times in April,
this poem is for spring.

Ducks by Bruno Liljefors

Ducks by Bruno Liljefors

Today I have the honor of writing the prompt at toads. I took the subject of spring in my poem. This is my 29th poem for 30 poems in April.

April 24, 2016

20 responses to “Ink-dance

  1. Your kennings sizzle with vibrant energy. A lively spring poem so in contrast with my weeping autumn world. The autumn leaf photo heading my post was actually taken on a walk this afternoon.

  2. Ah, I love the craze-eyed crow in this riddle-maker’s tune. This is such an uplifting read. Thanks for taking compound words to a new level in your challenge.

  3. OH, I love this poem, so full of the best of Spring, not to mention all of those new compound words,,:-)

  4. Ah, sweet–we have a similar nature over here upstate–where it could still snow–hope not–you have many lovely combinations here, Bjorn–the lover of moss my favorite–k.

  5. Love that last stanza, especially. My kenning for NaPo the other day was about a poem. 😉 Today’s is about the poet. It’s so funny that I have been “kenning” for years, and didn’t know it.

  6. Whenever a poet of caliber writes about poen & that too for Spring time it is “Extra special….” This one is one such. Exquisite indeed 🙂

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