44 responses to “Roses on the battlefield

  1. …and died then tossed without a care. Such delusion that hardens the less resilient. I’ve seen one of these ‘Dear Johns’ break a man…cruelly, IMO.

  2. Pingback: an enigmatic good-bye | eastelmhurst.a.go.go·

  3. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if this were secretly about bathroom activities? The john being the toilet, the roses and such being air freshener or potpourri, the chest being a container of towels or laundry perhaps. And the “battlefield” being the war zone located inside a man’s bowels. This is about how differently two people imagined that marriage would be. But the bottom line is, it all comes down to the fact that ya gotta deal with the excrement more than the romance.

    You’re welcome. 😉

  4. And to think that people do the same with text messages now … or whatsapp messages. Times change, but the message is still the same. >

  5. Very powerful “different than on your comrade’s chest.” Red blood and the scent can transport us.

  6. I loved how you wrote dear-johned… the second stanza is so touching and brilliantly expressed. Poignant!!

  7. This interpretation of the picture reminds me of the war poets, a different view of what was lost during the conflict.

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