Past is present

When past is present in your cards
and crystals tell of damaged deeds
your future’s read in mirror-shards
as past is present in your cards
You need a rope of seven yards
to quench that voice of jester-needs.
Cause past is present in your cards
and crystals tell of damaged deeds.

Playing cards by Heorhiy Narbut

Playing cards by Heorhiy Narbut

A triolet (slightly adjusted) to be linked at the Tuesday platform.. It’s been a while since I played with these little poems.

May 18, 2015

24 responses to “Past is present

  1. Is it a card trick or is past really present? An incantation-like poem to ponder.

  2. Wonderful lines Bjorn! The past transcends into the present images. Card images don’t age. Little poems can be just as mesmerizing!


  3. I read this three times, even sang it. Love the sound of if… How the play with words leaves everything open for so much. The cards might “speak” of a broken future, but things that haven’t happened yet have a way of not being set. So many possibilities: different cards, a really nice bottle of glass glue… All kinds of alternative. 😉

  4. Not so easy ‘to quench that voice of jester-needs.’ This is a very neat triolet with excellent repeating lines.

  5. A veritable wordsmith is what you are Björn – a most excellent write.
    Anna :o]

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