Our morale always win – for Friday Fictioneers

We always feel protected from the grey beyond, from wisps of mist that eat at flesh, from curiosity of greener grass. It’s all a lie – you tell us so. You tell of terrors, you tell of foes, but our missile heads and army stand against the misery of what’s beyond. We sacrifice, we starve, we are at war, but still our morale always wins.

Our patch of freedom in a hostile world.

Those of different mind we’ll send away, they are like cancer eating victory away. Please save us from the grey beyond, please save us gracious leader,


Copyright Erin Laery

Copyright Erin Laery

This week the picture took me into politics. It’s a dark world out there, and if a beautiful picture and some prosepoetry can give some insight into the horrors I hope it’s for something good.

Friday Fictioneers grows and there are some brilliant stories every week in the community under the guidance of Rochelle

May 21, 2014

77 responses to “Our morale always win – for Friday Fictioneers

  1. A very different take on the prompt.

    I loved these lines:
    1. We sacrifice, we starve, we are at war, but still our moral always win.
    2. Those of different mind we’ll send away, they are like cancer eating victory away.

    Very good!

  2. Dear Bjorn,

    Last sentence, first paragraph, should that be ‘morale’ and ‘wins’? I’m just trying to make sense of that sentence. (I blame oxygen deprivation if the explanation turns out to render me stupid.) I got North Korea right away, from deep down the rabbit hole, too. Well done.



  3. it’s just not your great writing, choice of words and the dark and heavy theme but also the flow… your execution is always incredibly good and effective.

  4. Ha! Brilliantly done – and a very innovative and exciting thought…just like an actor given one of the Kim’s roles, a writer feels an excitement of writing from their perspective. Enjoyed very much.

  5. I can hear your voice in this, Bjorn (yes, I got to listen to it a few times — accents ROCK!). Articulate and well-written as usual.

  6. I really liked this depiction of those who are at the receiving end of propaganda, who believe because it is safer than not believing. In writing about the grey beyond, you have captured the grey within.

  7. Dark, dark, dark. We have elections here tomorrow and there are some vile people getting too much airtime here right now… Very well-reflected in this piece, Bjorn.

  8. “our missile heads and army stand against the misery of what’s beyond”
    Then actually create more misery when used. Lovely rhythm in this piece Bjorn. Thank you.

  9. Very powerful imagery to make a powerful point, Bjorn. I, too, thought of North Korea.

  10. I find North Korea just plain sad. All these people fawning to a buffoon with a silly haircut, writing down every word he says. The sooner North Korea joins the rest of the world the better.

  11. Very powerful, and I find it one of the creepiest and darkest stories simply because there are countries where these beliefs are held to be absolute truth.

  12. I didn’t picture a particular country, just a sketch of a particular leader – the Autumn of the Patriarch, the gracious leaders who are out for themselves only.

  13. Chilling. Well written. Unsettling. This could also be about Nazi Germany, other regimes, etc…Although I immediately thought of North Korea…

  14. Expertly done. A surprising take on the picture indeed! Living in Greece, surrounded by non-too friendly nations, we get diversified perspectives of what lies out there, so in that sense, we’re lucky. Our “background” is not that “foggy”.

    Greetings from Greece!

    Maria (MM Jaye)

  15. It is terrifying how people can be misled, blinkered and unable to see the truth, and all we can do is watch in horror from the other side. Brilliant take on the prompt.

  16. You have done it again Bjorn and boy have I missed reading your awesome writing!Such a true picture,this and the sentence,”Our patch of freedom in a hostile world”,just blew me away!You sure pack a powerful punch!

  17. That was excellent. I caught the “kim” aspect. I like the line “our patch of freedom in a hostile world”.. Well done. Lucy

  18. Dear Bjorn – Politics is hopeless and dark – always has been and always will be – There are 1 or 2 generations in each century that get to live in happy times, well governed, then you get the garbage for the rest. You are a deep thinker Bjorn – well done! Nan 🙂

  19. Bjorn,
    Nicely handled. There’s a fine line between keeping your chin up and being completely delusional. I enjoyed your foray into politics this week, and that’s saying something. 😉


  20. A really original way to go with the prompt. The matter-of-factness of, ‘Those of different mind we’ll send away, …’ is so unsettling. It can happen to so many in so many different ways.

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