Enlightenment of Internet

You – sirens of the tabloid press perform
heroic feats, draw likes on Instagram,
show news on Starbucks cups, inform
us well on silicon and weight-loss shams.
while kittens of the superstars transforms
to memes and those perfect cyber storms.
We use inventions for the brightest minds
when the Internet enlightens humankind.

AI art created by Bing

Today Grace hosts dVerse with the Ottawa Rima, I reworked an older one which is a mock ode to the world of influencers and even fake AI models (with fake followers) we see more and more of today.

March 21, 2023

23 responses to “Enlightenment of Internet

  1. Socia media nowadays are a challenge to navigate with all the influencers and AI bots. Can’t believe all that you see and hear now. So many fake news!

  2. I love how you used the mythological elements and brought them into modernity. I also like the theme you chose; all of these technological and digital changes are happening so fast, and I don’t think we as creatives are talking about it enough – in our works.

      • My son is a fan of TikTok, and naturally I get to vicariously experience it and there is a lot of writerly, book stuff on it. For me, though, much like Youtube or Instagram reels and such, impressions are that the format advertises the person, more than their writing and its not something I am a fan of nor do I think its technologically enriching.
        There used to be a café in the city center of Belgrade, called “Library’, where you could have coffee or tea, and there was tons of bookshelves full of all kinds of books, which you could pick up and read, or bring a book of your own. I want more places like that, that is where I would like to reach 🙂

  3. A nice rewrite! There are days I curse the internet, then there are days I bless it. The necessary evil!

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