No strings attached

When you expect
a curtsy,
a blessing,
a prayer,
a sketch from a child
in return for
morsels and tidbits
it’s merely a trade
a tiny transaction
where you set the rules;

Being noble
is only when giving
is nameless
with no strings attached.

Image generated by bing, depicting a giving expecting a thank in return

Since it today it is giving Tuesday (after we have burned our assets on things on sale) Merril at dVerse wants us ti write a poem of giving (or not giving), since I missed the Quadrille yesterday I am also linking up to to there where Mish hosted and the word included should be sketch.

November 28, 2023

35 responses to “No strings attached

  1. I like the way you combined the two prompts, Björn, with no strings attached! I agree that it’s best not to expect anything in return and ‘being noble is only when giving is nameless’.

  2. I really like the message here–well said in only a few words, and I like how you brought in the child’s sketch.

    Your image worked well–though it looks like the gentleman is about to turn in a dance pirouette, like a scene from a musical.

  3. A lovely blending of the prompts. I think we are all guilty of it sometimes. Maybe we are trying to reaffirm ourselves that we’re doing something good, or encourage others to join in, but to simply boast and announce our good deeds for recognition….that’s when the goodness feels invalid. This quadrille is a good reminder.

  4. Agreed. “a tiny transaction
    where you set the rules;” – too many of those. I think human beings are inherently selfish, and so it is more difficult for some of us to give without condition.

  5. Agreed. I was having similar thoughts, and remembering debates of whether altruism can actually exist when people give because it makes them feel good about themselves.

  6. Pingback: No strings attached – المدونة الشاملة·

  7. Pingback: No strings attached | THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON...·

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