As onions

Every layer is another year
Shedding tears!
Our tongues: the sharpened steel
Pulling peels!
Life and love, discard companions
as onions!

Friendships lost, widening canyons
so at last one day, we’re left alone
to be left to nature, dust and bone
Shedding tears, pulling peels as onions

Today I looked back at a few of the prompts I have missed for today’s OLN hosted by Grace at dVerse, This is an Ovilejjo which was offered by Laura, and it is also inspired by the prompt on onions by Melissa.

Join us at 9 PM CET (3PM EST) at dVerse to link up one of your poems.

August 31, 2023

43 responses to “As onions

  1. This is wonderful, Björn!

    “Our tongues: the sharpened steel
    Pulling peels!”

    So true how the tongue wields power to pull peels, whether that be constructively or destructively.

  2. Love the onions inspired poem in ovilejjo form. I am shedding tears imagining that onion peelings. That last line stings, smiles!

  3. I feel your wistfulness and melancholy coming through, Bjorn. As you adjust to your new lifestyle and approach the coming dark months, please plant some new onions and watch them sprout and grow ❤

  4. It was good to return to a previous prompt, and that you know your poetic onions. It is true that in life and love we ‘discard companions as onions’. I often wonder about lost friendships and your poem has got me wondering again.

  5. the melancholy of lost friendship can sting like peeling onions. i missed the ovilejjo prompt as well. thanks for pointing me towards it now I need to do some research when time allows

  6. I loved this prompt for the Ovilejjo form and I love your poem since the onion is a favourite metaphor for me. Your take on layers of lost friendship and your use of the form are both great…

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