On the second day of a new year

This Monday morning a persistent drizzle glazed the cold streets with ice, and just like the last year ended daylight stays elusive behind burdensome clouds like last year’s missiles and drones have targeted Kyev’s infrastructure. We have electricity and water, but we try to use them sparingly. The sense that this year will walk in the same bleak footsteps as last year did. Last year I remember being hopeful that the pandemic was coming to an end.

I spent the second day of the new year in front of my work computer without any clear purpose in sight. Tomorrow I will likely go to an empty office.

no other colors
than the lustrous remains
of dead fireworks

Today we open at dVerse again and Kim hosts Haibun Monday. The theme is to write about your thoughts when the new year starts.

Jan 2, 2023

15 responses to “On the second day of a new year

  1. This is incredibly potent, Bjorn! I can picture the lustrous remains of those dead fireworks so clearly here. We live in troubled times.

  2. Happy New Year, Björn! Your opening sentence made me shiver – we’ve had sunshine yesterday and today, and I was able to get out for a walk on both days after a month-long chest infection. I agree with you about the year walking “in the same bleak footsteps as last year”, but I live in hope. I’m so glad I don’t have to go to work anymore. Your haibun sums up your feelings so well.

  3. Bleak as the dead fireworks and fallen tree (photo). I hope each day will be brighter for you as we approach the spring season. Tomorrow, I will work from home (first day) and on Wed, going back to the office for free tea and coffee as treats.

  4. Comparing the clouds to the dropping missiles gives similar feelings of dread. The fallen tree in the gray day fits right in with the gloomy atmosphere. The icy streets give a sense of powerlessness over what is happening.

  5. That final image. Powerful description of the post-holiday hollow feeling. I am also back in front of classes tomorrow. Hoping my silliness will see me through. Happy New Year!

  6. This is very bleak, Bjorn. I never feel like this is the real start of the year. September is one new beginning, and February the next – when the days really feel longer, and the spring growth starts! I hope you have a better year than last – I hope we all do.

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