Like dancing a tarantella – my manifesto for dVerse

This is a world where only in the shadows
there is light,
where only in the darkness you can see the beacons
guiding us towards a future
where dawn can outshine
the pirate’s lighthouse leading us astray.

It is a world where even winds
will tell you lies,
and the verdant spring of hope
is spray-painted on your retina.

My sight is set into the shadow-plays of misery
that trig impulses in my brain,
and electrified synapses lead my fingertips,
to dance tarantella on laptop’s keyboard.

I will let my words on stumbling meter
penetrate computer clouds.
I will let them spread like mycorrhiza –
invisible – yet domineering,
feeding on the dung beneath,
and send forth my mushrooms
into the lying daydreams of this world.

I will sing in voice of reason.
I will be the helmsman in a stormy sea
who finds the truthful light among the
will-o’-the-wisps that leads into the shadows
and even deeper into ignorance and death.
I will let truthful paths guide my fingers
from wrath to reason.

I will never let my writing cease
I will let it flow and overflow the lies
that lead our ship to moor on hostile reefs.
I will survive

An end in the light of the  tunnel (my own photograph)

An end in the light of the tunnel (my own photograph)

Today it’s MTB at dVerse and Gay asks us to write a manifesto of our poetry. A great article – and I have tried my best to do it according to instructions.

March 6, 2014

42 responses to “Like dancing a tarantella – my manifesto for dVerse

  1. Only in the shadows there is light. So true, for without light, there can be no shadows. Absolutely never stop writing. Great manifesto!

  2. yes… never let the writing cease… this is quite deep and deep with emotion…feeding on the dung beneath…made me smile cause it is so very true…real life with everything that happens..good and bad and funny and whatever…it makes wonderful dung for poetry..smiles

  3. Powerful and empowering Bjorn. I will dance with you 🙂
    Love the helmsman in the stormy sea … a beacon emanating from within … and I hate pirates!

  4. what a rip brother…love the opening….the light having to hide in the shadows…the perpetuation of lies the pirates try to pull on us…we need more poets willing to let their writing overcome the lies….that is for sure!

  5. Kudos, congrats, brother, for your verse is unfettered, as free as poetic chaff in the winds of Spring, and your voice is strong, and your words gather around us like a flowering ivy, wrapping us with your heart’s warm breath. I would set sail with you at the helm any day, & I would scream to the gods of the sea that Bjorn will always be able to steer the ship.

  6. I believe, in fact, your words will prevail! I love the contrast, complexity, word play, and freedom of this Björn. I think you are an explore of time, place, and emotion and I always look forward to reading your work! Thank you!!

  7. I like your statements, Björn, especially the idea that you will ‘let truthful paths guide your fingers’. I have always found your poetry to be honest. And the last stanza is my favorite. A great manifesto indeed!

  8. I like the idea of singing in the voice of reason & being a helmsman in a stormy sea! I like the idea of a poetic voice that will lead. Smiles.

  9. What great imagery – “send forth my mushrooms
    into the lying daydreams of this world.” A powerful manifesto! Thanks for sharing.

    Just reading this week.

  10. I will survive. You certainly will, Bjorn. Funny how we both had a nautical reference inserted in our manifestos! I really enjoyed your imagery here – I felt like I had gone on a journey with you.

  11. You are my new Whitman, singing beyond the shadows. Spiders hide there too, doing good and dancing, dancing into the Light.

  12. Love this, Bjorn:
    I will let my words on stumbling meter
    penetrate computer clouds.
    I will let them spread like mycorrhiza –
    invisible – yet domineering,
    feeding on the dung beneath,
    and send forth my mushrooms
    into the lying daydreams of this world.

  13. I like the images of pray-painted hope and spreading mycorrhiza…”where only in shadows there is light”…really a beautiful piece.

  14. Appreciating and loving it. Certainly a measure of survival. And writing survives stormy weather better than most others! Nicely Bjorn!


  15. I can see that quite a lot of thought went into this as it has so many points to ponder. Life can indeed be like a rough sea and it takes a lot of strength to survive. It’s also full of light and shadows. Well done, Bjorn. I feel you’ll not only survive but conquer.

  16. the journey with the seas never end for its a passion that drives it to the end………. Bravo……….

  17. Great and intense write – Bjorn.
    “I will sing in voice of reason.
    I will be the helmsman in a stormy sea
    who finds the truthful light among the
    will-o’-the-wisps that leads into the shadows
    and even deeper into ignorance and death.
    I will let truthful paths guide my fingers
    from wrath to reason.”

    I love it most!

  18. I think you captured the prompt perfectly declaring your intentions..some great lines..I will sing in voice of reason..brilliant..

  19. Well my favorite parts are the “Tarantella”, the light among the “will-o-wisps”….
    “Oh, captain”…this manifesto rings of courage!

  20. I read somewhere that the more brilliant the flame, the deeper the shadow. I like how you look towards the darkness to gain more understanding and shed more light on the truth.

    I was trying for a similar destination with my effort on this prompt, but you managed to get there far more eloquently, and with fewer words. I greatly enjoyed reading this.

  21. A beautiful manifesto – insightful and inspirational. One to read over and over (and I am).

  22. The photograph, even more powerful when posted after your words. Having just emerged from another dark place,. I can relate. Yours is the voice of reason, a strong and compassionate manifesto, this. Thanks and peace, Amy

  23. The older i grow in now.. the greater my appreciation for darkness fact i find the greatest beauty of ALL in IT brings me to the greatest light of sight NOw…
    And yes..certainly inspiration to write and move in path toward
    light as be light or not to be dark but both
    are light

  24. Pingback: How to see the light | Björn Rudbergs writings·

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