Togetherness on mountain path – Quatern

togetherness on mountain path
we spend our summers in a tent
in rain and sunshine, lacking bath
on roads less walked, on steep ascents

some days the walk’s a rough torment
togetherness on mountain path
we share the road without lament
through hail and storms, in heaven’s wrath

but when we reach the highest pass
the skies are blue, we’ll soon descent
togetherness on mountain path
in blissful nights we are content

and afterwards, a summer’s spent
we’ll wait another year, alas
before again we’re here content
togetherness on mountain path

Picture taken in Sarek, Northern Sweden last summer.

Picture taken in Sarek, Northern Sweden last summer.

For Imaginary gardens with real toads we write Quaterns today. My choice was to do it with both rhymes and iambs, just because I like it.

February 15, 2014

17 responses to “Togetherness on mountain path – Quatern

  1. How nice – to share nature beauty with friends despite weather rain and cold~ nice quatern poem, love the rhythm and refrain, Bjorn – you always good at rhymes!

  2. to share such a journey together…a summer…living on the land…taking those mountains…in the hard times…and enjoying the beauty of it all…that would be pretty amazing.

  3. I don’t know how you did it but I really felt the sense of climbing the mountain and descending again. Perhaps it is the effect of the moving line of the quatern that has achieved this effect. Very well done.

  4. I just love this one, Bjorn–the outdoors, the mountain, the way the air is different up there, and all the little privations, the sore back and ‘lack of bath,’ that are nothing compared to the content the process of shedding the everyday brings. Really nice use of the form, as Kerry notes, as well, for that up and down feel.

  5. To be wild in the peaks and see the entire universe of blue before descending once again–it is summer high! And the meter, rhyme, refrain all helped me feel on the limb too.

  6. Sounds like you have “been there, done that” and I enjoy the fact that nature often draws from us different emotions. Nicely penned and use of rhythm and rhyme.

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