My question to the wind

today I asked the wind
about enigmas
and arcanum in the fall

the blowing wind responded –
and a single leaf
came dancing down

it landed by my feet
and plastered to the ground
lay completely still

It’s veins exposed
and blushingly – it died
– and then I understood

Copyright Björn Rudberg

Copyright Björn Rudberg

Today it’s Open Link night at dVerse. It will open at 3PM EST. Come and join us. It’s inspired by the word arcanum which was the word at #artwiculate today.

October 1, 2013

47 responses to “My question to the wind

  1. *Sigh* I want to print this and hang it somewhere where I can see it for the rest of autumn, it was so beautifully written.

    such lyrical prose, such heart.

  2. oh wow björn…so felt… that is probably my fav poem that i read by you so far.. the exposed vein – blushing – so much vulnerability in this…awesome write

  3. You’ve made the page come alive, Bjorn…. came dancing down sounds like a falling leaf.

  4. And so today we get stanzas of Haiku; you are a wonder, Bjorn. This is a lovely poem, sad yet beauteous, short but poignant. The imagery is vivid, the message is clear; thanks.

  5. mmm there is something to this…i love how you ask the question and nature answers….nature often has the answers if we are will ing to look…..smiles.

  6. Nature always answers our hardest questions according to romantic poet William Cullen Bryant. Your poem answers the same question as his “Thanatopsis,” but with much more beauty and accessibility. Bravo.

  7. such a beautiful feeling is evoked when reading this..Autumn has always seemed to me to hold the answers in the circle of life.Of course observing nature is the way to understanding eloquently express that in this lovely poem

  8. I see we both responded to autumn today in 5/7/5 – great minds thinking alike no doubt (smiles). I love your dancing metaphor – so apt, and so philosophical – falling leaves surprises one that way. Loved it.

  9. Blush…I had to look up the word arcanum. Thanks! I do love to learn new words…but this (as usual) is so much meaning in so little words…I like that. Profound. 😉

  10. Those moments of looking for omens are almost frighteningly raw, and something about this leaf baring itself suits that — it’s eloquently expressed at the same time as conveying the risk.

  11. For me..Yesterday..IT is a butterfly never seen before…thanks for reminding me of that ‘most’ beautiful butterfly through your words..and thankful I am to have pictures of IT a result of a handyiphone3…i mean 5…smiles…

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