Summer sibilance

After summer solstice
nothing moves —

as in
exhale of dusk
the mock-orange scent

even the summer sibilance

of two cantankerous

slowly falling asleep.

Today I host at Open Link Night at dVerse, and for the fist time we will have a real live event which will open as the bar opens at 9 PM CET (3 PM EST) and is kept open for about an hour. Please join us with your poem if you want. This is poem is for Frank’s prompt on imagism which I missed.

June 25, 2020

32 responses to “Summer sibilance

  1. What a treat to see you, and hear you read the poem. I liked “as in/exhale of dusk/the mock-orange scent”. I imagine that scent like an orange jelly bean candy.

  2. I tried to log in but, was running late. I think I missed out. I enjoyed your solstice poem. Maybe, next time we can drum together. It’s been so hot here, it feels like nothing moves as the heat is exhausting.

  3. This is outstanding, Bjorn! 😀 I so admire this poem especially this part; “nothing moves — as in exhale of dusk the mock-orange scent.” It was a joy to see and hear you read today on Google Meet! 💝

  4. Nice arrangement of the words, Bjorn. It must be a scorcher there. It’s sustaining high 60’s here the past few days with a pleasant breeze.

  5. This is beautiful and the use of sibilance is sublime. The length also invokes the sense of an eternal moment and it reinforces the subject. I wish I’d been able to join the live event but will try to follow more closely and catch the next one.

  6. Although , India is a tropical country and has hot summers!, but this poem ,makes summer feel like a magic!!

  7. As soon as I saw the title, Björn, I thought of the trees in our garden and the sounds they make – summer sibilance is a perfect way to describe them, and you’ve captured the sounds in your word choice.. Although nothing moves anywhere else, our garden retains a breeze, probably because we’re beside a river, or maybe it’s the spirits that live here. I love the phrase ‘as in exhale of dusk’ and the cantankerous crows’. Our magpie never seems to sleep!

  8. VVonderful poem, just the first lines filled my mind vvith visions of the past last midsummer day I had spent in nature. Like hiking in the forest and going to the seaside, vvhere vve actually have a 6km long sand beach. Kinda surreal to be suddenly on a beach like California… Your poem captured the scorch of it too.
    And had a nevv vvord for me! cantankerous, so thank you for that too! 😉
    Thanks for hosting and the meet has to happen someday again!

  9. I love that new to me word “sibilance” but my spell check doesn’t recognize it. The 17 year cicada just stopped their summer drone and now I feel like one of those crows. So many naps.

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