That spice

Always afterwards
they tiptoed,
figleafed far away —
shy and shunned;
for figmental vice
but, oh so nice

… that spice
forever scorched
on skin, the bliss
beliefs called sin.

but still a single kiss
vows to perish,
burn for spice
alived again.

Albrecht Dürer – Adam and Eve (Prado)

Today Lillian hosts dVerse Quadrille, and the word is figment. 44 words exactly.

June 10, 2024

33 responses to “That spice

  1. Clever word and idea weaving, Bjorn. With the images, at first it appears that the sin was carnal acts, but we know that Adam and Eve committed the sin of kissing an apple from the tree of knowledge, which was forbidden by God.

      • Oh really!? They were commanded to multiply also? I do need to brush up on the commands of God I guess 😉 That makes it even more impossible to please the overlord which plants an idea of inadequacy in the minds of humans. A toxic seed if there ever was one (no offense to Christians, just my personal opinion.)

  2. Love where you went with this one, Bjorn.
    “Always afterwards
    they tiptoed,
    figleafed far away —
    shy and shunned;
    for figmental vice”

    “Figleafed far away”….as in outside the garden of Eden, but still so early in humanity there were no clothes so they wore what they wore in Eden. And then “figmental vice” — were they doomed from the start? What would have happened if they’d not committed the figmental sin?!?!
    Wondering if when you saw the word “figment” for the prompt your head went right to “figleaf” and then the jump to Adam and Eve? Funny how words do that to us.

  3. This is gorgeously rendered, Bjorn! Wow! I especially admire the image; “that spice forever scorched on skin.” 💙💙

    • The irony is there… and in reality I think there are so many layers of irony in the tale that has been misunderstood and misused for nefarious purposes.

      As for your poem, you painted that chilling moment of waiting where you are getting ready knowing that it may happen or not.

  4. ha – you traveled back in time – love the use of figleafed far away. You found the perfect image to accompany your spice filled poem.

  5. “shy and shunned;
    for figmental vice
    but, oh so nice”

    Great use of the word. What a great poem about Adam and Eve. I really like this perspective.

  6. Excellent Björn. The classic tale of Abbot and Castello… no, I mean Laurel and Hardy, …er, no…Bert and Ernie… no no that’s not right either, mmmmm, oh yeah, I remember, Burns and Allen. 😀

  7. You managed to make good old Adam and his Eve seem wonderfully alive, with all those human and wickedly wonderful sensations/feelings. Loved it.

  8. Nice version of the “Figleaf Story”. Next fig tree I see I may relate back to your writing.


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