Allegory of Gluttony and Lust

Unfuzz us virtuous, into liberation,
from conflicting science facts
let us silence agitations
with borders and decisive acts,
let’s delineate the contours
between the righteous many
and divide from them what’s yours
what’s ours, cause we crave plenty
with nothing left for those unpure.

Allegory of Gluttony and Lust
Hieronymus Bosch

Today it’s Easter Monday, and we have a red day in Sweden. I thought it was appropriate to write for the Quadrille at dVerse, despite the fact that I probably will be offline. Lisa hosts and the word is countour. I will probably not read the others poems tonight, but will be back tomorrow to read and comment.

April 1, 2024

51 responses to “Allegory of Gluttony and Lust

  1. Tricky poem, Bjorn, had to read it a couple of times and slowly to get what you’re trying to say. It’s a method that seems to have worked through the ages :(

  2. As others have said, this one requires a few reads to glean all the meaning. Well done with the word and with putting so much into so few words.

  3. Bjorn, I’m drawn in by the Bosch and fascinated by the complexity of your writing… and wondering what is a Red Day? is it when you have a red face from eating much chocolate? And you have to go offline to recover?

  4. One must sometimes read between the lines to appreciate the message. The righteous are not always right. Just saying.

    nice rhyme scheme going on in this one….

    I hope you enjoyed your holiday.

  5. conflicting science facts….agitation with borders and decisive acts…..contours between the righteous and what’s yours, mine, and never theirs? You’ve created the tensions of the world today in these few 44 words. At least that’s how it hits me.

  6. Much to think about in your poem. For me it talks of now, how lines are blurred in this world at the moment. So apt. I think Truedessa has summed up my thoughts when reading your poem about the righteous not always being right.

  7. Virtue for the pure, notwithstanding placing those righteous beings with the faulted. 


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