Summer evening

Outside Stockholm it is close to eight o’clock in the evening. The sun shines through the living room windows and I hear the loud singing from a party of students graduating. Solstice is a time of endings and beginnings; it is a transition to full summer that begins with midsummer this weekend with new potatoes, herring and fresh strawberries.

In a few weeks we will leave for the north to where the sun never sets, and winter has just ended and we will meet spring again.

just past midnight —
as dusk settles into dawn
the blackbird still sings

Eva Bonnier – Midsommar

Today Frank hosts dVerse Haibun monday and the prompt is solstice. This is of course Midsummer here in Sweden and this is when the magic happens for us up here in the far north.

June 17, 2024

42 responses to “Summer evening

  1. What a lively picture of a Swedish summer evening, Björn. I love new potatoes, pickled herring and fresh strawberries!  Your haiku is perfect, with the blackbird still singing. I’m still waiting to hear a nightingale.

  2. I like your idea of following the sun even further north to where it doesn’t set. The blackbirds don’t need much of an excuse to sing around the clock. I hope you hear some nightingales. Ours have all gone quiet now.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time in Sweden. I’ve always wondered what midsummer is like. Going north and meeting spring sounds beautiful too. I enjoyed the haiku too.

  4. I loved this glimpse into life in the far north. I’ve never seen the midnight sun – it must be magical to experience it.

  5. Beautifully written haibun, Björn! I remember being in awe at how late the summer sun sets in Northern Europe (Belgium), but the idea of the sun never setting is just sublime. The blackbird—so reminiscent of Wallace Stevens—of your haiku also lends such a wonderfully musical quality to it all.

  6. Sounds fantastic. Do you mind “where the sun never sets” I would have a hard time with that, I think. I’d like to experience though at least once.

  7. Fascinating pilgrimage Björn, following the sunrise, fleeing the sunset. Enjoyed reading this my friend. I love new potatoes and strasberries! 😒😋…herring 🤔 — my father absolutely loved it! 🙂✌🏼🫶🏼

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